Home > Artworks > Cristian F Bustamante H ( P. Phalguna Das )

Photo of Cristian F Bustamante H ( P. Phalguna Das ) Colombia

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Born in Manizales Colombia in 1984, says she can remember, a big attraction almost admiration for the pencils, the smell, the colors derived from the forms of drawing, I loved the small-legged or as they say in the armotodos Colombia, and rompecabesas.

Draw things ....

But yeah, every day drew something ... something ..

Admire much to fellow artists and I was excited to be around them and see...

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25.59 x 19.69 in
25.59 x 19.69 in
13.78 x 9.84 in
Net Art/Digital Art
55.12 x 39.37 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
11.89 x 11.89 in
Net Art/Digital Art
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Born in Manizales Colombia in 1984, says she can remember, a big attraction almost admiration for the pencils, the smell, the colors derived from the forms of drawing, I loved the small-legged or as they say in the armotodos Colombia, and rompecabesas.

Draw things ....

But yeah, every day drew something ... something ..

Admire much to fellow artists and I was excited to be around them and see their drawings of the characters in comics or TV, in my adolescence I had a great natural tendency or passive sort of obsession for drawing aliens, gargoyles, ghosts, monsters and a series of philosophical pictures that even I understood because these ideas were you inside me, although not completely understood.

In the school where I studied, we had general art classes and there was where I felt something that broaden a child, upload it to the memories of my mind and soul of others times.

The key is to practice and be an excellent observer, taking note of your achievements and study, such as the deep shadows, dimensions, perspectives and everything needed to make a work of art ....

Gradually I began to fall in love with digital graphic arts .... that was almost like at 17-18 years, then lived in Ecuador, where I met a married couple who practiced Vedic culture of ancient India, I can say that I felt deeply attracted or rather familiar .... I seemed interezantes many topics as "soul, karma, reincarnation, energies, yoga, mantras and all of a gigantic civilization of sages in the past delivered a Science that he had brought to him who practiced towards self-realization or comprehension of Being or Soul .

That's what gave me the push to focus my abilities atistacas, which I notice I have from the womb, birth or even before ...

The works I've done have always had a philosophical message since then, not present them all in this space AHUN Art om pro list them encourage me say that if it does, are almost 200 works in all my life but as a philosophically 50 revealing bone since I left adolescence.

Lived from 2001 to 2003 on an organic farm that is also Yoga monastery, were the two most fantastic years of my life pleasant, did theater, puppets, for desert I write plays and I make puppets of their own, in addition to directing work, study Vedas deeper spiritual life and practice, accepting a spiritual master and now I am living on the coast of Ecuador.

If you chang ie Plugins to or pass new artistic things in my life, no doubt in exposing.

I recommend you see the philosophical work of my authorship "The Strike Hard" still lacks many works by publishing new digital comic style.


Cristian Bustamante F H (Phalguna Das)

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